
Running Heels 2

Nyheter • Publicerad 5 februari 2010

Yesterday "Running Heels" ended and I could leave that involuntary addiction behind. At the end we got to see what kind of evaluation the editor of Marie-Claire had for these three girls, Talitha, Samantha and Ashley.

Personally I could have smothered Ashely slowly. She was a bitch who thought that she was more talented and experienced than the other girls and she could never accept when something good happened to her adverseries. The editor started by saying that there was one of them that she could consider working with.


You could see the tension between the girls. Then the editor gave her evaluation. She said to Samantha that she had a nice, winning personality but that she probably was not right for magazine writing. On the other hand she said that Samantha would be a good PR- person and that she should take contact with the magazine after her education. Talitha was the one who got to stay with magazine.

Ashley was told that she was talented and ambitious, but perhaps too ambitious. She elbowed her way forward and worked against people instead of with. Ashely in the end got nothing.

There is a God after all ....

Så här jobbar Ulricehamns Tidning med journalistik. Uppgifter som publiceras ska vara korrekta och relevanta. Vi strävar efter förstahandskällor och att vara på plats där det händer. Trovärdighet och opartiskhet är centrala värden för vår nyhetsjournalistik.