
Random thoughts ...

Nyheter • Publicerad 30 mars 2010

Is it warm in here or is it just me. The sun is shining. I want to be out there and not in here. I should mark those tests, shouldn't I? Might just as well wait five more minutes.

Isn't that an odd bird? Dear God, aren't we all? Can somebody open a window? I don't know what to say. Can't somebody else say something? We are not exactly moving forward with these meeting, are we?


Ii wonder if someone noticed that I farted? Hope not, and not a dog in sight that I can blame. Where's a dog when you need one?

Someone just kicked me under the table. I wonder why? Is he or she just as bored as I am? Could be. Lunch was okay but just okay. I'm dying for something sweet. Aren't you?

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